African cult masks

African cult masks

African mask art is the work of an entire continent. The phenomenon of this art is connected with the worldview of the African man, who does not separate himself from nature. African masks have existed since the Paleolithic period and play a special role in the life of the peoples of the western and equatorial regions of the continent.

All significant moments of human life: harvesting, funeral and wedding ceremonies, initiation of young men and women – are accompanied by the appearance of masks. It is believed that during dances and other ceremonial actions, ancestral spirits endow the wearer of the mask with their mystical power.

The material used to make masks is extremely diverse: it can be wood, bone, terracotta, or a combination of these materials with the addition of leather, fur, hair, feathers, plant fibers, teeth, beads, etc. The patterns on the masks are cut out and covered with paint, or simply painted, or made of beads and shells. Every detail of the ornament has a symbolic meaning. For example, a zigzag is the path of ancestors, a difficult path that must be walked with dignity so that the spirits of the ancestors are satisfied; a chess pattern represents the duality of the world, the opposition of good and evil, knowledge and ignorance, masculine and feminine. In order to enhance the expressiveness of the masks, artists use very peculiar techniques. For example, the eyes and mouth are made in the form of cylinders protruding above a flat surface, the nose is connected to the forehead, and the massive brow arches are enlarged with shadows around the eyes.

In general, African masks are characterized by a special internal rhythm, they are created in a certain “emotional key”.

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