Basic principles of arts and crafts

Basic principles of arts and crafts

Decorative and applied art has its own specificity. Works of decorative and applied art reflect reality through a “generic” image, which gives an image “in very general forms, far from the individualized, maximally specific characteristics of the subject.” Despite this apparent limitation of artistic means, “every work of applied art is an image of human feelings, desires, aspirations, and thoughts.”

Unlike painting, graphics, and sculpture, which reflect reality through the depiction of specific objects, phenomena, and events, decorative and applied art operates mainly with utilitarian spatial forms. The emotional perception of works of applied art is based on the plastic, textural and color properties of the form.

The basic principles of decorative art can be summarized as follows:

  1. The unity of artistic form and practical purpose of products;
  2. Building things in accordance with the properties and capabilities of the material;
  3. The connection of the artistic form with technological methods of its processing.

The unity of the aesthetic and utilitarian is the main principle of this art form.

At the same time, there are often cases when an object that once had a certain practical purpose gradually lost it and became a purely artistic work. For example, in Hutsul carvings, a wooden plate once fulfilled its immediate practical function – it served as a tableware. A simple ornamental decoration was applied along its edges, which did not contradict the purpose of the item. Over time, it lost its practical function, as people began to use ceramic and metal plates more widely. However, this not only did not lead to the disappearance of the wooden plate, but also strengthened its purely decorative function. The shape of the plate changed (it became shallow), and not only the edges but also the bottom began to be decorated. Decorative plates are now decorated with ornaments, as well as with a plot and even a portrait image. And yet, folk artists make sure that the decoration of objects does not dominate, but only emphasizes the shape of the product and the beauty of the material.

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